A moor of lies.
Love, drowned -
Now floats on it.
Bloated now with lies,
It will never reincarnate.
No Jesus, this, i say!
To come alive the third day.
Murdered coincidences,
Scapegoats for the falsehood.
Fibs turning grey
And gaining experience.
Now are LIES - A whirlpool of 'em.
Dragging into nowhere.
Several teeth of this cog,
Now are worn out.
One who knows the truth,
Is called the enlightened.
Who, may I ask, is - ENLIGHTENED?
Who pretends to be a know-all?
Who sits under the Bodhi?
Who smiles even when seeing the vices?
Designed it to be this way-
Funny does God.
Moors he builds -
Peaty soil covered with heather
And bracken and moss
To make us believe it is strong soil,
And to make us set our foot.
Funny doth God.
Really good One... Keep it up!!! :)
Good selection of words...
2:52 pm, March 24, 2007
Who, may I ask, is - ENLIGHTENED?
Who pretends to be a know-all?
Who sits under the Bodhi?
Who smiles even when seeing the vices?
Hearty words and writings...keep up the good work..
9:54 pm, April 11, 2007
been reading blogs for a year now..i came across the ones who're good but were wasted the ugly but narcissistic the dim witted but the brave..but this poem is plain beautiful...there is a clarity searched and found..and i am not trying to sound crowned with the burden of a thorny vocabulary !
3:28 am, April 16, 2007
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