Monday, May 29, 2006


My little one,
Waking up in the middle of a silent dream,
Whimpers, for the rest of the dream.
What shall I say unto her?

With the only two teeth,
When she gnaws at my fingers,
What shall I say unto her?

The cat snarling at her,
She looks at me with a confused face..
Those beautiful lips curled up in an imminent weep,
What shall I say unto her?

She shakes my hand off from her hand,
And holds my little finger
And walks me through the streets,
Learning her own steps,
What shall I say unto her?

The bus horn making her happy once
And making her weep the next time..
What shall I say unto her?

She brings the beautiful rose to me,
The one she was just given by the neighbour uncle,
“Atchaa ee”….. oh, she always wants me to “ee” to see..
I look at her and smiles at the beauty of her face and the rose
And return back to my book
Only to turn back at her
Who curls her lips as she always do..
Showing the only two teeth
And the confused expression…
On why the beautiful rose doesn’t taste as beautiful..
What shall I say unto her?

When she refuses to bath,
And once in water, never gets out..
Wondering why the lines drawn are never shown..
What shall I say unto her?

When I proudly present her to my friends,
Who kiss her little bubbly cheeks,
She wipes the kisses from her cheek,
With the same confused expression,
What shall I say unto her?

When she covers her head in her mother’s dress
And looks at me through the transparent layer,
And puts up the best smile ever, with those two teeth,
What shall I say unto her?

In the courtyard, as she eats
Her daily dose of soil. I look up from my book,
And run towards her, when she sports
That “I-never-knew-that-can’t-be-eaten” look again
What shall I say unto her?

Then, when I see that earthworm
Crawling on the tea trolley again,
And she immediately turns to “amma” for help
What shall I say unto her?

When I wake from the nap in agony
Looking at her smiling face again
Wondering, why she hasn’t got
Any other games than pulling my chest hairs..
What shall I say unto her?

When my work goes wayward,
Only because she wants to sit on the keyboard,
To watch me work,
What shall I say unto her?

And the whimper, for my parker pen,
Only to experiment her teeth at
And sleep after a few minutes of weeping
What shall I say unto her?

On the dining table,
When she insists on having it herself
And she begins the rice trail to our bedroom
What shall I say unto her?

When she talks to me, at length,
With a language – only god and she knows
Consisting of only repeating sounds,
What shall I say unto her?

And the walk, as a parrot trots,
Faltering here, side-ways there,
But never failing..and always hands apart,
Adjusting her weight on one or the other leg,
But never on both together..
What shall I say unto her?

When I see, that light pink small dress,
I just adorned her with..
Lying on the floor, and she away in the kitchen,
Hiding behind her mother’s legs
What shall I say unto her?

And the beautiful, beautiful smile
Blooms on her face,
Whenever she sees me,
What shall I say unto her??

May be I don’t have to tell her anything.
May be she understands..
Understands everything that’s with me and her…

She understands or she doesn’t…

Smiles again…that heavenly smile……



Blogger retarded said...

its true that i crave for such a beautiful and naughty girl :) its so evident, isn't it?.
The fatherly affection always pops up whenever i see little ones. I want to protect them and play with them somehow :), Lately, I have not had the luck of having a relative/friend of that age!!! :( Am longing to hold a little kid in my hands........

Cloudten, may i request for your mail id?


7:50 pm, June 13, 2006

Blogger Rathi Venugopal said...


Wow!! That was a wonderful poem...and its really nice to know..my friend could put into words such beautiful thoughts...!

Its sad that you dont have a relative/friend of that age...just walk thru' your apt. lane when you get bored am sure you'll find some cute kids playing around and waving hands at you as you pass by....:-)

Just a suggestion...you can continue writing more and try to bring some uniformity or more poetic touch..what do you say?

4:41 am, July 04, 2006

Blogger Shuba said...

You are not a father yet, and you can write this? Man!!! Congrats!! One of the finest I ever read. It is a pleasure to read your posts.

8:33 am, August 03, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i started reading it with a smile ("the litle one" has something infectious in itself tht u just cant help but let tht smile tickle ur lips! someting in it!) and didnt realize when did i started flwoing wid it.. cudnt get myself down for some endless mintues to press these keys and write something.. but cudnt do without leting you know(as well).. the word 'beautiful' fails here! :)
the little one.. humm... am astounded - and dont really wanna come out of it!

post a few pics, if u can, wid ur little one here(ur blog) when u have one - doodling on ur face with her li'l hands messed up wid wet soil! :)

all the best!
:) :> :)

6:51 pm, October 07, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i started reading it with a smile ("the litle one" has something infectious in itself tht u just cant help but let tht smile tickle ur lips! someting in it!) and didnt realize when did i started flowing wid it.. cudnt get myself down for some endless mintues to press these keys and write something.. but cudnt do without leting you know(as well).. the word 'beautiful' fails here! :)
the little one.. humm... am astounded - and dont really wanna come out of it!

post a few pics, if u can, wid ur little one here(ur blog) when u have one - doodling on ur face with her li'l hands messed up wid wet soil! :)

all the best!
:) :> :)

2:21 pm, October 08, 2006

Blogger Unknown said...

tessie here..
"what shall i say unto her'
simple and cute... what else to say? i'll put a "detailed" comment after a " detailed" postmortem... lemme try ma best and find some faults ... :)))

2:38 pm, March 29, 2007

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the baby in this poem is simply LOVABLE... and the credit goes to ur imagination... u'll make a great father one day :)))
Infact when i was reading it, i remembered my own achachan who passed way 3 years back... he was abroad till i was 4 and i used to miss him a lot then... but that created a long lasting bond between us. my all time favourite hobby is irritate my younger brother saying "achachan love sme more"... thanks for taking me back to good old memories :))))

1:26 pm, March 30, 2007

Blogger Questqueen said...

That was simply fabulous! Looks like u r all set to become a father[n so early!!] I'll definitely tell chinnettan to try harder so that u get ur chance...d earlier the better!!N ur kid will b truly blessed to have a daddy like u! Keep up d gr8 work bro!

6:45 am, August 28, 2007


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