Reverse Buddha
To the horizon to acquit the truth
‘To free the mankind;
From its tyranny’, I said.
‘To free the mankind’, huh?
Soured his voice from behind.
‘Truth will triumph’, I insisted.
‘We all have heard fables’, he grunted.
‘Which way?’, he ventured..
As if he was coming along.
I did not have an answer.
Not that you can blame me for that
I still did not have an answer.
‘What are you searching for?’
The cynicism in his voice – creepy.
I turned around to explain.
His eyes grinned.
I started, then fumbled and stopped
His eyes became narrower
‘I am going to cure world’s disease’
‘I am going to realize truth’;
‘And open the door of it to the world’…
I was panting just after three sentences
His grin extended to his ears
With two looping jumps, he reached my side
‘What for?’
I tried to say, but stopped. ‘What for?’
Then finally my words came out..
Your family is worried.
Why to see other terrible things?
Why to hear them, terrible beings?
You, your better half, and yours and hers
Anything else is worthless.
Play the idiot game – be the idiot
Life is an idiot game
Play the idiot game, live the idiot life
Your interests will be well kept’
The grin enlightens.
And with two looping jumps,
He flipped sides.
What about another theme?’ he said
‘Say, you have accomplished it;
Pretend that you achieved;
Feign the truth you now intend to seek;
You say you reached there
You act you reached there
You relish the expiation to the world
You say,
You are everything!’
He stood there, elated.
He seems to relish in the solution he gave.
The snow has hardened.
My feet are no longer moving.
Screaming of snow flakes
On the leaves around, blinds my eyes.
Where did stupidity find abode?
Not abode, but sojourn….
Not abode, but sojourn….
This night,
This walkway,
These fiery decisions,
These must be dreams.
Why am I out in the snow?
Its cold out here.
Still trying to understand...
12:15 pm, January 28, 2007
wonderful piece of nonsense
9:03 pm, February 08, 2007
i repeat, u surprise me with every new work of yours..
the diabolic conviction unhinging ur steps where u r almost left perturbed.. and i hope its only 'almost'.. for the snow's never cold - its the hardened ice tht's cold - clear the mist off ur perspective
9:08 am, February 09, 2007
Wastefella, I know who the Anonymous is.........tu nahi sudhrega
11:24 pm, February 25, 2007
Wastefella, I know who the Anonymous is.........tu nahi sudhrega
11:24 pm, February 25, 2007
"Why am I out in the snow?
Its cold out here."
here is what came to my mind when i read ur work... A random thought...
" With many dreams,I set out.A fire in heart to lead my way to destiny. The harsh roads hurt my dreams. They bled and died. I left them one by one. The cold dampened my heart.
Then, at last, I was stranded by my own identity. I was nowhere with nowhere to go"
7:59 am, April 05, 2007
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