illicit jaunts - suicide

I am not a suicidal maniac…
but it just makes me think a lot..
If a person commits suicide, he is defying all the rules …
A person becomes a rebel when he defies rules… God wants us to live and oneday he impels death on us when he wants…..
One who suicides always poses a question to GOD..
He committed suicide because his mind was not feeling well, he could not face certain circumstances…. why did they arise - in the first place?
But when he decides to do this on his own rather than waiting for GOD to walk him through all those problems.. or take his life meanwhile…. then is it an scarper?
God wants us to play tht role beautifully.
Man defies his decisions.. what if one questions God’s authority?
One who has responsibilities of life…. Wife, children, parents, friends….
These are forced on him , attached to him without his permission being asked..( this shud b the way the one who suicides will think.. i have diff. Opinion)
So why not run away from the forcibles?
He is seeking freedom from his image….
Let him.
I liked this write-up.
Its thought provoking..
You said-"One who suicides always poses a question to GOD.."
But i wonder will suicide be the n th option god provided.
Will it be a facility we can opt when one feel life sucks and don’t have heart to try other options left before him..
Like how a baby who gets scared comes running back to its mother..
12:35 pm, August 25, 2005
Hi Rageshetta,
Hmm thought provoking...When a person thinks of committing suicide, it is cos he has lost faith in God ..he is not ready to wait for the cogs of wheels to turn for him..and the small part of him (which even the most devout believer has in his mind )of God's existence comes to the fore and overpowers him...(i am not sure if this makes sense to you!!)
8:59 am, February 21, 2006
"Life gave me the freedom to chose between vibrance and stillness. I distrusted the former and the latter was detesting. So, I eloped to eternity to seek freedom from my numbness "
9:35 am, April 15, 2007
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