Thursday, May 19, 2005

illicit jaunts - a new dress on me.

wearing new dress brings about a flavour of a NEW life.
freedom and oppurtunities.
there is a satisfaction of metamorphosis in it.

" Look who has come " says my brother and sister.. with fun filled eyes and smirks on their faces.

There is this magic of the same person coming as a different person in wearing a new dress!
infinite probablilities........

[Most of illicit jaunts have been influenced by kalpetta written in bhashaposhini]


Blogger Divya said...

Don’t you feel this “magic of same person coming as a different person" will be more striking if the dress is different from your regular style than it being "New"?
Especially the metamorphosis you feel… will be more What Say?

5:28 am, May 19, 2005

Blogger retarded said...

hi radha,
dangs for the comment.
its true that the metamorphosis effect plays well with a different attire than it being just NEW.
However, i cant downplay the feeling new dresses on me and others....even if one is branded as a regular styled. :))

9:36 am, May 19, 2005

Blogger Divya said...

Yes,Boss :)
You R Right.
That Real "feeling" is most important.

4:00 am, May 23, 2005


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